The Gypsy Lilt
01 - Scotch Cap
02 - The Gypsy Lilt
03 - The Spanish Jepsies
04 - A New Scotch Gig
The Irish Ho-Hoane
05 - The Irish Ho-Hoane
06 - An Ayre Called Corke
07 - Sarabande To Corke
A Spanish Humor
08 - A Spanish Humor
09 - Muy Linda
11 - Gregory Walker: Buffins
12 - Gregory Walker: Hay De Gie
13 - Trenchmore
14 - Spagnioletta
The Dancing Master
15 - Rownde Scottishe Tune
16 - The Wherligig
17 - Mal Sims
18 - Pakingtons Pound
19 - Punks Delight
Gypsies Metamorphosed
20 - Lull Me Beyond Thee
21 - Lady Louthians Lilt
22 - The Gypsies Song
23 - Gipseis Round
(Contraseña: genova89)
please can you reupload?